There are two kinds of Flash properties: object and frame (layer) properties.
To add intelligence to objects for Flash, select the objects and use the Object Properties dialog box. The following properties can be set:
Web address. See URL Property. |
HTML frame to open the URL in: "_blank" (new window), "_parent" (window which spawned the current window), "_self" (current window), "_top" (full body of current window), or a frame name. |
Highlight color during mouse over, as "R#G#B#." For example, enter "R255G0B0" for red. |
Color during mouse press, as "R#G#B#." For example, enter "R255G0B0" for red. |
Set to "True" to hide the blend at the end or until visible. |
There is only one frame property: Static. This keeps the frame visible after it appears in an animation. To set the frame property, right-click the layer tab at the bottom of the drawing area, then click Static.